UACES Facebook Fulton county, Arkansas Extension Newsletters | Salem, Arkansas agriculture and 4H news
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Cooperative Extension News & Publications
Fulton County, Arkansas 

Welcome to our News and Publications page!  Below you will find local newsletters, news stories, and/or links to other relevant publications.  Please contact our county Extension office for additional information.  For accessible versions of PDF files, please contact MaLinda Mathis, Fulton County Staff Chair.

The Scoop Logo

Beef and Forages

The Scoop Newsletter

The Fulton County Extension Office provides quarterly agriculture newsletters that provide producers with timely information and recommendations regarding seasonal farming practices. Topics primarily consist of information on beef cattle, pasture, and hay management. To receive a hard copy of the Back Forty, please contact the Fulton County Extension Office and request to be added to our agriculture mailing list.  


4H BB O-Rama

Fulton County 4-H Newsletter

Fulton County 4-H Newsletter is a monthly newsletter that is sent to all active 4-H members.  It serves to keep all members and families up to date on club meeting dates, county and statewide events, and important deadlines.  If you'd like to receive this newsletter, get enrolled in 4-H at Arkansas Register for 4-H Events today!

