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Cooperative Extension News & Publications
Chicot County, Arkansas

Welcome to our News and Publications page!  Below you will find local newsletters, news stories, and/or links to other relevant publications.  Please contact our county Extension office for additional information.  

For accessible versions of PDF files, please contact Clay Gibson, Chicot county Staff Chair.

mature soybeans ready to harvest

Row Crop Newsletter

The Row Crop newsletters cover row crops such as corn, rice, soybeans, cotton, etc.  Producers get the latest researched-based information from the Cooperative Extension Service on issues related to production in Arkansas.  This is a free publication available to all Chicot County residents. Contact our county office to subscribe.

beans and peas exhibit

Living Well in the Delta Newsletter

This is a newsletter focusing on Health and Aging, Foods and Nutrition, Family Economics  and Marriage Parenting and Family Life.  This is a free quarterly publication available to all Chicot County residents.
Photo: Exhibit of dry beans and peas.

