UACES Facebook Arkansas Association of Cooperative Extension Specialists Board Members
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AACES Officers and Committees

Current AACES Officers 

Office 2024 Officers and Executive Board
President Karen DiCicco
Vice President Armenta Lockhart
Secretary Megan Wells
Treasurer Gretchen Skinner
Past President Jesse Bocksnick
Board Member Vanessa Lewis (2026)
Board Member Kristena Merritt (2026)
Board Member Jessica Vincent (2024)
Board Member Oliver Williams (2024)


Committees and Members

Basic responsibilities for all AACES committees:

  • Keep a record of membership list and terms, meeting notes, minutes, and other materials.
  • Maintain and submit official records such as audit, budget, awards recipient list, roster of members, etc.
  • Provide records to President and/or Executive Committee as needed.
  • Provide records or information to the Website Committee as needed.

The Professional Improvement and Social Committees were combined at the 2018 Annual Meeting.

This combined committee brainstorms ideas for professional development programs and social activities for both AACES members and non-members.  They typically host “lunch and learn” or what we call “Beans & Brains”.  These are usually presented quarterly but have also been every other month.  Topics and number of events are up to the committee. 

Committee members obtain speakers, plan meetings, reserve the location, promote the event, plan meals, and often prepare lunch.  Spring Fling, Fall Festival, and Business after Hours are a few of many AACES social events.  Join this committee and help plan, organize, and promote activities that develop esprit de corps, and feed our brains and our tummies!

Armenta Lockhart, Kristena Merritt Co-Chairs

Ashley Henderson, Gretchen Skinner, Lisa Davis, Kim Magee

Recognition and Awards Committee: See a list of the awards presented each year.  This committee solicits nominations, selects recipients, and presents awards.   

Brittney Schrick, Chair

Gretchen Skinner, Hunter Goodman

Constitution and Audit Committee: This committee conducts the annual audit of AACES financial records.  The committee chair presents a report at the annual meeting. They review the Constitution and Bylaws to insure they remain true to the purpose of AACES. 

Kristin Higgins, Chair

Budget Committee: The Budget Committee prepares the annual budget and presents it for approval by the board.  The approved budget is presented by the committee chair at the annual meeting.

Julie Robinson, Chair, Karen DiCicco, Treasurer, Co-Chair


Website and History Committees were combined in 2018.

Website and History Committee: This committee maintains and updates the AACES webpages and works with other committee members to keep their information current.  This committee also maintains records to preserve the history of AACES.

Kristena Merritt, Chair

Oliver Williams, Gretchen Skinner

Resolutions Committee: Sometimes our members have ideas about positive changes for the Cooperative Extension Service. The Resolution Committee solicits and collects these ideas.  They present them to AACES membership for voting.  Resolutions that are approved by the membership are presented to Administration for consideration. 

Emily Smith, Jesse Bosnick Co-Chairs

Ashley Henderson, Bryan Mader 

Membership Committee: Spread the word about AACES. Recruit new and returning members. The Membership Committee conducts our annual membership drive leading up to our January annual meeting.

Dr. Brittney Schrick, Chair

Vanessa Lewis, Kristena Merritt, Oliver Williams

Community Service Committee: This committee organizes and conducts our fundraising activities and supports one or two community service projects each year. 

Amanda Welch, Chair

Amy Hedges, Brittney Schrick, Kristena Merritt, Ashley Dingman, John Pennington, Oliver Williams, Ashley Henderson

This committee works together to nominate qualified and key individuals to various other committees within AACES. The president appoints a nominating committee of at least three (3) members from different Extension program areas or support units at least 60 days prior to the annual business meeting. The function of the committee will be to present a slate of officers and directors reflective of the membership at the annual meeting.

Julie Robinson, Chair

Brittney Schrick

(Last updated: 2/21/24)
