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Freeze Damage

April 28, 2018


I have pictures which I don’t know how to send of a variety of plants, including daisies, lilies, roses, and monkey grass all with white spots and withering sedums. My whole beautiful spring yard is diseased I guess. Help!


Whenever I hear of similar damage occurring on such a wide range of plants, I usually rule out any type of insect or disease.  While there are insects and diseases that can attack a wide range of plants, rarely will they attack all plants at the same time and in the same way.  My guess, without seeing pictures, is you have some cold damage or chemical damage.  We have seen a wide range of plants that got nipped by the two weekends with temperatures at or below freezing depending on where you live in the state.  Most of the plants you mentioned should rebound, if it was cold damage. For folks who had already planted tomatoes and basil, or impatiens and lantana, they will have to replant. 

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