Kids Crafting for Halloween
Kids Crafting Ideas for Halloween

Original content: Heather Jackson, Pike County | Adapted for blog: Katie Cullum, White
Need some ideas on some fun and spooky crafts to do with your kids? Here are two ideas that can also improve and strengthen fine motor skills in children.
Make Witches Brew Fluffy Slime.
You will need the following supplies:
- ½ Cup of Elmer’s White Glue
- 3 Cups of Foam Shaving Cream
- ½ Teaspoon Baking Soda
- Food Coloring,
- 1 Tablespoon of Saline Solution.
Step 1: Add 3 cups of foam shaving cream to a bowl.
Step 2: Add food coloring as desired.
Step 3: Mix in a ½ cup of Elmer’s white glue (washable school glue).
Step 4: Stir in ½ teaspoon baking soda.
Step 5: Mix in 1 tablespoon saline solution and stir until slime forms and pulls away from sides of the bowl. Knead your fluffy slime well after mixing to improve its consistency. If your slime feels too sticky, you may need a few more drops of saline solution.
Step 6: Add some fun Halloween mix-ins like fake eyeballs, vampire’s teeth, creepy crawlies, and spiders.

Create some boo-utiful Halloween decorations for your home.
Have your kids cut out their handprints out of white paper! They can work on their cutting skills while also creating Halloween décor for a fun evening. Once the paper handprints are cut out, kids can add eyes and glue them to a banner cutout. Hang your banner and you are all set for a ghoulish night!