Pecan plant tissue nutrient sampling
July and early August are the times to plant tissue nutrient sample your pecan trees to determine your fertilizer rates for next year.
Now is the time to pull plant tissue nutrient samples for pecans.
Pull samples by early August!
These results are important for growers to determine fertility rates for next year and to identify if any deficiencies may be developing.
Directions for Pulling a Pecan Leaf Sample:
- Collect 40-50 pairs of leaves from at least 20 trees. See this factsheet FSA6131 for which leaves to sample.
- The more leaves you collect and more trees you sample from the better the results!
- Collect leaf pairs opposite each other.
- Collect samples from trees of the same age
- It is preferable to collect samples from trees of the same variety. But if a whole field is managed the same it is not necessary to sample varieties separately
- Wipe leaves with damp paper towel, to remove any surface dirt or debris.
- Collect the sample on Monday and mail immediately!
- Send leaves in paper bags
- Select leaves that are healthy and exposed to sun
- Avoid leaves that are damaged, covered in dust or diseased.
- Randomly select leaves
- Put sample in a paper bag
Fill Out form AGRI-423.
On Form AGRI-423 please be sure to report:
- the variety
- soil type
- tree age
- sod free strip? Clover cover?
- Your email address!
Take sample, form AGRI 423, and payment to County office or mail to:
Agricultural Diagnostic Laboratory
1366 W. Altheimer Dr.
Fayetteville AR 72704-6804
(479) 575-3908
Last year in 2018 we were able to get over 24 pecan growers to submit samples and wrote up a report with recommendations for the state. We would like to follow up on how things have changed since last year.
We encourage pecan growers to submit samples before early August!