Managing Strawberry Fruit Rot – Updates and Resources for Preventative Fungicide Selection for the 2022 Season
Strawberries across the state are waking up and it’s time to think fungicide spray programs. Once you determine that flowers are going to make through to being fruit, fungicide spray programs need to be initiated. The majority of all fruit rot that we see are due to pathogens infecting flowers, which means it is vital to protect these flowers to prevent losses.
Provided below are some new resources for growers to utilize to guide decision making with preventative fungicides in the 2022 growing season. Please take a look at the sample spray program along with fungicide options, and watch the attached YouTube video for a more in-depth explanation of how to choose effective fungicides to prevent fruit rot.
Below is an example spray program that we designed for growers in Arkansas and other Mid-South areas to use: