Be The Grill Master For Dad This Fathers Day
Surprise Dad this weekend by becoming the grill master in honor of all that dad has
done. Imagine how surprised he will be when he sits down to a grilled meal, and he
didn't have to be "king of the grill" for the meal.

Surprise Dad this weekend by becoming the grill master in honor of all that dad has done. Imagine how surprised he will be when he sits down to a grilled meal, and he didn’t have to be “king of the grill” for the meal.
We want to remember, safety first. Make sure the grill rests securely on the surface. Never leave the grill unattended and or use indoors or in a garage where the fumes cannot be vented.
When it comes to food safety, always pre-heat the grill to kill microorganisms. Always use separate clean tongs and plates when removing food from the grill. This will help to avoid cross contamination of bacteria with uncooked meat.
You can add a little flavor to your grilled meal with rubs and marinades. Both of these will add flavor and tenderness.
Rubs are dry spice blends which usually include salt and sugar. The advantage of a rub is that you can rub them on immediately before cooking, adding mild flavor; or do it a day or two in advance, bringing the spice flavor deeper inside the meat.
Marinades are liquid and usually contain something acidic such as lemon juice or vinegar; the acid in the marinade helps to tenderize it. Don’t marinate too long. The general rule of thumb is 15 minutes for seafood, four to six hours for thin cuts of meat, and up to 12 hours for larger cuts.
Always marinate foods in the refrigerator, not on the counter or outdoors. Don't use sauce that was used to marinate raw meat or poultry on cooked food. Boil used marinade before applying to cooked food or reserve a portion of the unused marinade to use as a sauce.
Once the fire in your grill is lit, check the temperature. To do this, cautiously hold the palm of your hand about 6 inches above the coals or heat source where the steak will be cooking, and count the number of seconds you can hold your hand there. Count slowly such as one-barbeque, two-barbeque, etc.
Your fire is considered to be at high heat at 3 seconds or 500 degrees F; medium high heat at 5 seconds or 400 degrees F; medium heat at 7 seconds or 350 degrees F; medium low heat at 10 seconds or 325 degrees F; and low heat at 12 seconds or 300 degrees F.
When it's time to grill the food, cook it to a safe internal temperature. Use a food thermometer to be sure. The food thermometer should be placed in the thickest part of the meat and should not be touching bone, fat, or gristle. Check the temperature in several places to make sure the food is evenly heated. Steaks and roasts should be cooked to 145 degrees F for medium rare and 160 degrees F for medium. Ground meats should be cooked to 160 degrees F and poultry, to at least 165 degrees F. Fin fish: 145 °F or until the flesh is opaque and separates easily with a fork.
Pay special attention to your grilling tools. Tongs are one of the most important tools. These enable you to turn the food without stabbing it. When you use a fork, or something to stab the meat and turn it, you are allowing the juices, which keep the steak moist, to be lost.
To assure that juices in the steak have had time to redistribute themselves, let the meat rest before cutting. This doesn’t have to be a long time; a few minutes is adequate.
Follow these guidelines and dad is sure to be impressed. Who knows, you may become the grill master at your house.
For more information on Grilling Safely, contact me at the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, Miller County Extension in the courthouse, e-mail or call 870-779-3609. You can also get great tips on facebook at UAEXMillerCountyFCS/CarlaHaleyHadley, twitter at @MillerCountyFCS and Instagram millercountyfcs_carlahadley.
Kick up dad’s meal with this spicy rub. It will add great flavor to any meat you are cooking and is easy to mix up.
Spicy Rub
2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons dried oregano leaves, crushed
2 teaspoons sweet paprika
2 teaspoons dried thyme leaves, crushed
1-teaspoon garlic powder
1-teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 teaspoon ground white pepper
1/2 teaspoon ground red pepper
Combine seasoning ingredients, mixing well and rub evenly onto meat. Return to refrigerator until ready to grill.
By Carla Haley-Hadley
County Extension Agent - FCS
The Cooperative Extension Service
U of A System Division of Agriculture
Media Contact: Carla Haley-Hadley
County Extension Agent - FCS
U of A Division of Agriculture
Cooperative Extension Service
400 Laurel Street, Suite 215 Texarkana AR 71854
(870) 779-3609
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