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Extension Educational Programs & Services
Lafayette County, Arkansas

The Cooperative Extension Service offers a host of educational programs and services.  If you do not see what you are looking for below, please contact our county Extension Office for assistance.

fcs logo


With the retirement of our county FCS Agent, we will no longer have an FCS Agent on staff at the Lafayette County office to offer programs in this subject area. However, we can still get you information and fact sheets, or get you in touch with someone who can answer your questions. Please contact our office for information.



Photo of a young corn field near Spirit Lake


An important part of Lafayette County with over 284 farms and over 336,960 acres in agriculture production. Lafayette County Extension provides information and advice in all areas of agriculture. Areas include:

  • Livestock – cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, horses, and poultry
  • Forages – rotational grazing, pasture management, pasture planning, renovation
  • Row Crops – soybeans, rice, corn, wheat, cotton and other crops, irrigation
  • Sod – turf management, seed production
  • Commercial Horticulture – fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, greenhouses and nurseries
  • Agribusiness - farm budgets, estate planning
  • Pest Management – pesticide training, fire ant management, wildlife
  • Forestry - management
  • Soil Testing (Free) – all we need is a pint of soil to make a recommendation
  • Hay Testing (Small fee) – find out quality of sample for livestock feeding or selling of product
  • Home gardening – fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, irrigation 

Contact Amanda Greer, County Extension Agent- Staff Chair



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4-H is a fun and educational program where kids "learn by doing." It's a great opportunity for youth to acquire knowledge and skills, and develop healthy lifestyles they can use the rest of their lives.

Youth in 4-H learn about citizenship, leadership, cooking, arts and crafts, mechanics and technology, horticulture, agriculture, and other subjects. To teach youth about these subjects, the 4-H program uses the learn-by-doing method of instruction. Each member selects at least one 4-H project and this project serves as the program's cornerstone.  

Currently we have:

The Showstoppers Club a community based club in the northern part of the county, with most members interested in animals but several have other interests such as cooking, plant science, and photography. Youth interested in joining the Showstoppers do not have to do animal projects although several youth do show animals at local, district, and State fairs.

The Bradley 4-H Club made up of students from Bradley School with multiple project areas. We had 3 youth from this club attend State O-Rama this year.

The Sharpshooters, a shooting sports club out of Bradley.

And forming, an in-school Science STEM based club at the Bradley High School.

collage of photos of all the 2015 Lafayette 4-H O-Rama county winners with their ribbons and categories

Clover College

Each summer county youth participate in our Clover College, a multi-day educational event. In 2015 we did Mad Scientist's Lab and addressed topics in animal science, engineering, chemistry, food and nutrition, food safety, environmental science, and citizenship.

                      Youth participating in oobleck project at clover college           Youth participating in marshmallow building at clover college

4-H Youth Show Livestock at the Lafayette County Fair

Youth enjoy showing the results of their work with livestock by showing the project animals at the county fair in September of each year. Below are just a few of this years winners, presenting their animals at the premium auction.

Grand Champion Chicken       Grand Champion Market Goat        Premium Auction Cattle

4-H in Lafayette County takes the form of community clubs, project groups, in-school clubs and after school programs. 4-H Membership is free, so come join us. For more information about 4-H, contact  Amanda Greer, County Extension Agent-Staff Chair or call the Extension office at 870-921-4744.


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Lafayette County is a county with approximately 7500 residents.  There are great opportunities and challenges as Lafayette County faces the future. Lafayette County Extension provides research based information for government officials, community leaders, and business leaders in the areas of community and economic development.

  • Entrepreneurship – information on starting a business and possible government contracts that may be available
  • Government Finance – information and analysis about how the county government is financed and possible sources of additional revenue and savings
  • Ballot Issues – unbiased information about issues that appear on state and local ballots
  • Leadership Development – training for governmental, community and business leaders
  • Economic Development – information and analysis of economic trends and opportunities within the county and region

Contact Amanda Greer, Staff Chair for further information

Photo: Lafayette County Courthouse

