Common Landscape Fungal Diseases
Wet weather and cool temperature, two things needed to promote fungal growth, have been abundant in Arkansas this year.Hot Springs, Ark. – Wet weather and cool temperature, two things needed to promote fungal growth, have been abundant in Arkansas this year. Vegetable gardens, lawns, and landscape are affected by fungal infections. Here are a few common ones to look for around your home.
Powdery Mildew – When it comes to prevalence, powdery mildew is No. 1. It occurs on several ornamentals, most commonly on crapemyrtles, dogwoods, euonymus and roses. Powdery mildew is considered mostly a cosmetic problem and can be very persistent. It is recommended that you grow resistant varieties when available. Where powdery mildew has occurred, the fallen leaves of the infected plants should be raked up and destroyed in the late fall and winter to minimize the disease for the following season. There are fungicide sprays that can be used, but gardeners need to be willing to make frequent, precise applications. For more information, see extension fact sheet FSA 6113.
Photinia Leaf Spot – This purple-colored spot on red tip photinia is caused by a fungus. It’s so detrimental that it is no longer recommended in the landscape. The fungus is spread easily by splashing water and by wind. If the infection is very severe, plant removal may be necessary. There are chemical controls, but they may require frequent spraying over a long period of time. The fungus can also affect Indian Hawthorne, but to a much lesser extent. The fungus usually kills the plant by repeated defoliation. (See fact sheet FSA 6112)
Branch Canker in Leyland Cypress – Leyland Cypress is a common ornamental tree often grown as a privacy screen or as an accent ornamental in home or commercial landscapes. It has become increasingly popular as a Christmas tree. The cypress is very susceptible to a fungus that causes the branches to die from the tips inward. The infection occurs randomly on a plant and if something is not done about it, the tree may die. Drought stressed trees tend to be more susceptible to the disease. For information about branch canker, see fact sheet FSA 7536.
Dollar Spot of Lawn Grasses – Dollar Spot is a fungus disease usually seen on Bermudagrass, but will also attack Zoysia and Centipede. This disease can be seen on poorly maintained lawns, ones that aren’t irrigated or fertilized properly. In late summer or early fall, homeowners will see small, straw-colored patches 2-3 inches in diameter. They may go unnoticed until you have a lot of them together. The disease can be spotted in the early morning, while there is still dew on the grass you can see the fungus growing on the leaves, which looks like spider webs. It’s very helpful for diagnosis. See fact sheet FSA 7541 for more information.
Zoysia Patch – Another fungal pest is Zoysia Patch and the fungus is a close relative of one that causes brown patch in Bermudagrass. This fungus may cause large areas of turf to die and is usually visible either in the fall or in the spring. This may come back every year in the same spot and a lot of times it is associated with an overdose of nitrogen fertilizer and poor soil drainage. Excessive thatch buildup can also contribute. The fungus can be controlled by chemical applications and by correcting drainage, fertilization and thatch issues. (See fact sheet FSA 7527 for more information.
For more information on common landscape fungal diseases, please call Allen Bates, County Extension Agent – Agriculture, at 501-623-6841, or email him at
Master Gardeners
If you’re interested in becoming a Master Gardener and would like more information, you’re welcome to attend their monthly meeting on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 1pm at the Elks Lodge. You may also call the Extension office on 623-6841 or 922-4703 or email
EHC Information
Are you interested in joining an existing Extension Homemakers Club? EHC is the largest volunteer organization in the state. For information on EHC call 623-6841 or 922-4703 or email
4-H Information
We have several 4-H clubs for our Garland county youth who are 5 to 19 years old. For more information on all the fun 4-H activities there are, call the Extension Office at 623-6841 or 922-4703 or email Linda Bates at
The Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service is an equal opportunity/equal access/affirmative action institution.
By Allen Bates
County Extension Agent - Agriculture
The Cooperative Extension Service
U of A System Division of Agriculture
Media Contact: Allen Bates
County Extension Agent - Agriculture
U of A Division of Agriculture
Cooperative Extension Service
236 Woodbine Hot Springs AR 71901
(501) 623-6841
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access/affirmative action institution. If you require a reasonable accommodation to
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