Extension Educational Programs & Services
Crittenden County, Arkansas
The Cooperative Extension Service offers a host of educational programs and services.
If you do not see what you are looking for below, please contact our county Extension
Office for assistance.

Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)
The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) is a program of the Cooperative
Extension Service of the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture Extension
and Research. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Cooperative
Extension Service fund the program.
Mission: The EFNEP program is to empower individuals, families and youth with limited resources
acquire knowledge, skills, attitudes and behavior changes necessary to maintain nutritionally
sound diets and enhance personal development.
Audience: EFNEP adults focus on educational programs to enhance the quality of the families'
diet. The adults are taught in small groups or individually by EFNEP assistants trained
by Extension educators. The majority of participants complete the EFNEP curriculum
in less than 8 sessions.
The EFNEP youth program focuses on providing food and nutrition education to contribute
to personal development of youth from families with low income. The youth are taught
in summer or year-round enrichment programs conducted by EFNEP assistants and volunteers.
For more information about the EFNEP Program in Crittenden County contact the County Extension Service at 870-739-3239.
Photo: Katrina Avant teach personal development to families with limited resources
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
In Crittenden County, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides
nutritional educational programs for families with limited resources with children,
and receiving SNAP benefits and public schools where 50% or more of the students are
eligible for free or reduced lunch. Participants report eating more fruit and vegetables,
choosing low fat dairy products and whole grains - all healthier choices - as recommended
by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. For more information contact the County
Extension Service at 870-739-3239.
Photo: VeEtta Simmons teach Jackson Elementary students how to make healthy smoothies.
Family Economics
Crittenden County's median household income is $35,264 and 28% of its population
is below poverty. Classes in Family Economics are conducted to assist clientele in
improving their financial stability and quality of life. These sessions include: Financial
Journey, Small Steps to Health and Wealth, Financial Smart Start, Money and You and
Arkansas Saves to name a few. For more information on Family Economics or Financial
Resource Management, contact the County Extension Service at 870-739-3239.
Photo: Family Economics participants attending a Financial Journey session

Agriculture and Natural Resources
The Crittenden County Extension Service offers educational information to individuals
and groups through meetings, demonstrations, tours, media, technology and newsletters.
Our main agriculture focus is on row crops to include: soybeans, cotton, rice, corn,
grain sorghum, wheat and also some livestock. The goal is to improve profitability,
sustainability and protect the environment through research based agriculture practices.
On farm demonstrations are conducted to showcase new and exciting technologies in
herbicide, insecticide and fungicide using Integrated Pest management (IPM) practices.
These IPM practices are used to improve producer's knowledge and skills of new technology.
In addition to demonstrations, field tours are utilized to increase awareness of the
improved practices recommended by the Extension service.
Computer technology is used to aid producers in real time applications. Yet we also
provide any and all paper documents at the office for those who desire to have them.
For more information on the Crittenden County Agriculture program contact the County
Extension Service at 870-739-3239.
Photo: Kudzu bug and eggs found in Crittenden County

The purpose of this contest is to help youth develop skills in the preparation and
use of chicken. The County Competition will be held at the County Extension Office.
Winners from the county competition will be invited to compete at the District Competition
in Jonesboro.
Poultry BBQ Contest Score Sheet
The County Competition will be held at the County Extension Office. Participants do
not have to be present to win; you can drop off dishes and recipe cards on the day
of the competition. County winners will be invited to compete in the State Competition.
Dates and times TBA
4-H Giant Pumpkin & Watermelon Competition
Participants must request seeds from the County Office. The cost for a packet of giant
watermelon seeds and giant pumpkin seeds are $2.00 per packet. Youth will plant and
grow Giant Pumpkins and/or Giant Watermelon on the county plant date and maintain
the fruit until the NEA District Fair and Arkansas State Fair.
How to grow a Giant Pumpkin
How to grow a Giant Watermelon
County O-Rama is our annual 4-H competition. Speech and Talent competitions will be
held March 26-29 beginning at 3:30 pm. Participants must pre-register for these events
by contacting the County Extension Office by March 9th. For any information on 4-H
events please call our office at 870-739-3239.

Crittenden County Master Gardeners
April 1 Crittenden County Master Gardener Scholarships (updated March 3, 2020) are due to the county office. This scholarship is to assist
a Crittenden County, Arkansas resident in pursuing a degree in agriculture or agriculture
related fields, including but not limited to horticulture, botany, agronomy, forestry,
plant science, landscape architecture/design, and turf management.
May 11-12 Annual Master Gardener Plant Sale located at the Crittenden County Extension Office.
All funds raised from this event will be used for Crittenden County Master Gardener
For more information please contact Russ Parker at 870-739-3239.