2020 S.T.A.R Conference Schedule
Monday, March 30, 2020 Vines 4-H Center
8:30 – 9:30 Registration and Silent Auction set-up
9:30 – Silent Auction opens
9:30 - Association Meeting: NEAFCS
10:00 – 11:30 Professional Development Opportunities
Effective Time Prioritization
Presenter: Sharon Lanier
“Resistance…Don’t let it get you down.”
Presenter: Luke Nipper
Session Description: One of the greatest challenges to change is resistance. What blocks creativity and learning during periods of rapid change? Are you pursuing the work you were meant to do? In this workshop we’ll learn from the authors, Steven Pressfield and James Clear about what it takes to persevere through change. Armed with knowledge of habit formation and creativity we can accomplish what we set out to do.
11:30: Lunch with the annual Credit Union business meeting and Awards Banquet
1:00 - Association Meeting: AEA4HA
1:00 – 2:30 Professional Development Opportunities
Becoming a Workday Wizard!
Presenter: Dr. Karen Ballard
Session Description: If you are an Extension employee Workday is in your future. Are you ready for this change? Do you know what it will mean to you and how it will impact your job? This session will provide an overview and update regarding all things Workday. Bring your questions and learn about key resources available to you during this transition.
Designing and Presenting a Poster and/or session for a Professional Conference
Presenters: Dr. Julie Robinson and Chris Meux
2:30 Popcorn Break and Silent Auction ends
3:00 – 4:30 Association Meeting ESP
3:00-4:30 Professional Development Opportunities
Facilitation and Positive Communication
Presenter: Luke Nipper
True Colors
Presenter: Ashley Dingman
4:30 Closing comments and Tea Cup Drawing with Dr. Cartwright
5:00 p.m. ADJOURN