UACES Facebook February 2023 Garden Guide
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The Arkansas Garden February 2023

The winter weather in Arkansas seems to change so drastically overnight! As I am writing this, the sun is shining, and it is a lovely 50°F.

We are already beginning to see some early signs of spring, such as pops of yellow jonquil buds and iris leaves sprouting out of the ground.

Springtime in Arkansas is right around the corner, and February is a BIG month for gardeners! It’s time to prune, prune, prune your plants this month.

Planting Guide

This is general information for the entire state of Arkansas on what to plant in your garden right now. For specific questions about planting in your area, please reach out to your local county agent.

Vegetable Garden

Flower Garden

  • Sweet Peas
  • Poppies

Garden Chores

  • Prune fruit trees
  • Divide summer and fall blooming perennials
  • Plan out your 2023 garden
  • Clean up garden if you have not done so already
  • Remove any bagworms left on your trees from last year
  • Mulch strawberry beds with straw
  • Begin planting cool season vegetables mid-February
  • Harvest late-planted vegetables

Pro-Tip: Pruning Plants

Timing is critical for flowering and fruiting plants!

In general, plants that bloom in the spring should be pruned immediately following blooming and plants that bloom in the summer should be pruned before growth begins in late February.

There are a few exceptions to this rule, such as gardenias and some hydrangeas.

Roses, fruit trees, small fruits and ornamental grasses also have specific requirements for pruning.
Large shade trees should be pruned by a professional, but it will help homeowners to know what is expected of a tree trimmer to avoid major damage.

Make sure that your shears are clean and sharp, and that you are using appropriately-sized tools for the size of your branches.

Should I use pruning paints or wound dressings?

Pruning paints or wound dressings are not needed, and in some cases can actually hinder the recovery time of the pruned areas.
