UACES Facebook CPED Indicator Evaluation Resources
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CPED Indicator Evaluation Resources

The following resources outline the current indicators by goal and objective. Each contains the specialist contact, any current resources, guides, or evaluation tools to assist in gathering the information needed to report in AIMS.

Objective 1 & 2: APEX Accelerator- Indicators in these objectives will be completed by APEX Accelerator staff.

Objective 3: All Other Business-Related Programs- For questions, contact Kim Magee at

Objective #1: Leadership

General adult True Colors programs can be reported here. Please report True Colors for youth under the 4-H Leadership & Citizenship objective and True Colors for EHC members under the Extension Homemakers Objective. Guide for reporting efforts and indicators can be found here.

All other Leadership program questions can be sent to Julie Robinson at

Objective #2: Community & Regional Development- all questions can be sent to Julianne Dunn at

Object 1: Emerging Issues

All questions related to emerging public policy issues can be sent to Kristin Higgins at

Objectives 2 & 3: Local & State Ballot Issues

Resources for Ballet Issues can be found here:

All other questions related to ballot issues can be sent to Kristin Higgins at

All indicators for this goal will be entered by state staff. 

All indicators for this goal will be entered by state staff.
