UACES Facebook C.E.S.P. 1-13: UA Retirement Eligibility and Privileges
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Employee Benefits - Fringe Benefits

C.E.S.P. 1-13: UA Retirement Eligibility and Privileges

Date Revised: 11-11-2015
Supersedes: 6-22-2007

Summary: Outlines UA retirement and emeritus privileges for employees meeting certain criteria.

There is no mandatory retirement age for any University of Arkansas employee. If you are planning to retire, you should discuss your intentions with your supervisor as early as possible so your department can prepare for the effects of your retirement.

Retirement Privileges

To be eligible for the following UA retirement privileges…

  1. Use of the University campus library;
  2. Eligibility to purchase a faculty/staff parking decal;
  3. Faculty/staff admission to campus activities and events (including athletic events); and
  4. Continued use of the Division of Agriculture identification card.

…an employee must meet at least one of the following conditions:

  1. Age 65 or older with five continuous years of employment with the University.
  2. Age 62 or older with ten years of continuous service with the University.
  3. Twenty years of continuous service with the University.
  4. Eligible for early retirement under provisions approved by the Board of Trustees.

Note: The UA Treasurer’s Office indicates that tuition reduction/waiver is not a privilege granted to Extension retirees or their dependents.

Emeritus Status

In addition to the UA retirement privileges indicated above, Extension non-classified employees who have met UA retirement eligibility conditions are also eligible to be awarded emeritus status, including a certificate and use of the emeritus title at the rank/title held at the time of retirement. Emeritus employees are expected to assist and support the University in their areas of competence, particularly in an advisory capacity, when requested to do so.

To be considered for emeritus status, an individual must be recommended by the Extension director and approved by the UA Board of Trustees. Recommendations for emeritus status are submitted in February of each year with conferral effective on July 1.
