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St. Francis County Upcoming Election

by Kristin Higgins - November 19, 2019

Fact Sheet Available for St. Francis County Voters

Voters in St. Francis County have a special election coming up in December. The Public Policy Center partnered with the St. Francis County Extension Office on producing a fact sheet explaining the Dec. 10 election.

 St. Francis county upcoming election logo

Voters will decide three ballot measures:

  • A permanent 0.25% (1/4%) sales and use tax
  • A temporary 0.625% (5/8%) sales and use tax and permission for St. Francis County to issue up to $14.3 million in bonds
  • A permanent 0.125% (1/8%) sales tax

The three taxes, if approved by voters, would increase the county’s sales tax rate from 2% to 3%.

What are the Issues?

Two of the ballot measures are related to the county jail. St. Francis County is proposing to demolish the current county jail and build and equip a new county jail, emergency dispatch center and sheriff’s administration offices in a location that has yet to be determined.

If approved by voters, the county would issue up to $14.3 million in bonds to pay for the construction of the tax, and use the revenue from the 0.625% tax to pay off the bonds. The county would also use money from the 0.25% tax to pay off the bond debt as well as to operate and maintain the new jail.

The third proposal involves a 0.125% sales tax for juveniles services and programs. County officials said the county does not have enough money in its budget to increase support for juvenile programs and services.

Find More Information

The voter guide produced by the Public Policy Center includes more information about the three ballot issues, including what supporters and opponents say, information about surrounding county sales taxes, and answers to voters’ frequently asked questions.

Download the voter guide here. and be prepared when early voting starts Dec. 2. The election is Dec. 10, 2019. St. Francis County voters can check their voter status or find out where they’re supposed to vote on Election Day by calling the St. Francis County Clerk’s Office at 870-261-1725. You can also check your voter registration status online at
